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Please be noted that there are some people provide same services by using our name , James Fashion, but we only have branches as mentioned on website only.

Welcome to James Fashion International, Top ten best tailor in the world ( from National Geographic: passport to the best 10 best of everything an Ultimate Guide for Travelers ) . Find great deals on apparel and accessories from Versace and other top brands. Select from hundreds of styles, sizes, and colors for men's clothing or women clothing. Designs and cuts are classic, modern and Italian styles same as Versace, Armani, Prada, Gucci, Dior, Hugo Boss, etc., Cut can easily be custom replicated for a better fit. More Detail»»


When you consider the design of clothing as an art you don't take details lightly. That is why the quality of every James Fashion garment reflects a passionate attention to every llittle details. From perfectly matched patterns, to well proportioned and fitted linings, to the finest trimmings available. No details are overlooked. Professional consultation will be given to fit your personal life style.


   The world's finest fabrics are carefully chosen to maintain the highest standards of James Fashion. We carry over 3,000 fabrics -- English flannels and worsteds, Scottish tweeds, fine cashmere, French gaberdines and silk mohair from Italy.


   Exact measurements are taken to ensure proper fit regardless of fabric or style. All garments will be individually hand-cut, expertly tailored and hand finished by skilled Shanghainese craftsmen to your personal specifications.


   You will receive the order in 1-2 weeks after we received the purchase order from you. If you require the order to be sooner, we will do our best to accommodate your request.

we are nominated by National Geographic to be in the top ten tailor in
the world.
The quality of our product is one of our first top priority issues to us.

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Tuxedo Sport Jackets
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James Fashion International 439/1 Sukhothai Road, Suanchitlada, Dusit Bangkok, Thailand 10300
Tel. (662) 668-2993-5 Fax. (662) 668-2990